Nairobi’s next generation music producers and performing artists speak out

Show notes

In recent years, small-scale studios in Nairobi have begun producing music locally, and some of their output reaches millions of listeners in Kenya, or create buzz and noise in international niche music scenes. Their producers and musicians are turning old hierarchies upside down, often calling for social and political reforms. But they’re also facing a lot of resistance.

Director, idea, interviews: Thomas Burkhalter

Music: Thomas Burkhalter, Daniel Jakob

Additional Samples: Joseph Kamaru, Boutross +

Additional Voiceovers: Kacey Moore, Selasia A. Djameh

Trailer Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson

Editing: Thomas Burkhalter, Daniel Jakob

Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs

Graphics Cover: Šejma Fere

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