Aragalaya: Inside the People’s Struggle in Colombo

Show notes

This episode explores the creation of art during the political struggle that has shaped Sri Lanka and its capital Colombo since the start of 2022. The episode shares the perspective of artists and musicians who either lived permanently or temporarily around the Gota Go Gama camp, one of the central sites of the protest.

A podcast by Isuru Kumarasinghe and Devana Senanayake

Featuring: King Ratnam, Anu Madhubhashinie, Dinupa Kodagoda, Ajith Kumarasiri, and Namini Panchala

Bonus Talk by Janik Sittampalam and Zainamb Wahid

Artistic Editor: Abhishek Matur

Project Management: Hannes Liechti

Video Trailer: Emma Nzioka

Jingle Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson

Jingle Mix: Daniel Jakob

Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs

Artwork: Šejma Fere

Photography: Aaqill Nooramith

Chapter 1: Podcast Timeszones – Aragalaya: Inside the People’s Struggle in Colombo - Duration: 23:00 (00:00)

Chapter 2: Bonus Talk - Duration: 10:56 - Start: (23:00)

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