Here and Now: The Subtle Pressures of Cairo

Show notes

This episode hosts three Egyptian composers, musicians, and DJs of various backgrounds and music styles. It sheds a light on actors in the music industry and tries to understand the music scene from a first-hand perspective. An immersive sonic experience of the city of Cairo.

A podcast by Fair Soliman

Featuring: Rama, Nancy Mounir, El Waili

Bonus Talk by Adham Zidan


Assistant Producer: Nouran Hatem

Mix: Ismael Hosny

Artistic Editor: Abhishek Mathur

Project Management: Hannes Liechti

Video Trailer: Karrl

Jingle Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson

Jingle Mix: Daniel Jakob

Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs

Artwork: Šejma Fere

Copy Editing: Elisabeth Meister

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