Radical Archaeologies: Unearthing Lima’s Sonic and Poetic Landscapes

Show notes

This episode looks into artistic ruptures and subjectivities in Lima, Perú, forged during a period of authoritarianism, economic recession, and widespread social hopelessness.

A podcast by Ale Hop

Featuring: Olga Rodriguez-Ulloa, Wicho García, Fabiola Bazo, Domingo de Ramos, Wilder Gonzales Agreda, Frau Diamanda, Javi Vargas Sotomayor

Original music by Fil Uno (cello), Ale Hop (electronics)

Bonus Talk by Alonso Almenara, featuring Luis Alvarado

Artistic Editor: Suvani Suri

Project Management: Hannes Liechti

Video Trailer: Karrl

Jingle Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson

Jingle Mix: Daniel Jakob

Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs

Artwork: Šejma Fere

Copy Editing: Kathrin Hadeler

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