The life in music of three experimental musicians (in Serbia and Switzerland)

Show notes

An electro-acoustic composition based on the interviews with the three artists Mara Micciche, Branko Džinović and Vukašin Đelić, my close friends and collaborators, who have never met each other. They live in three different cities - Šabac, Belgrade, Zurich. Their stories as well as their sounds, intertwine throughout the piece modified and accompanied by the sounds of my own, all of them creating an ensemble of voices, sounds and musical fragments deriving from diverse set of musical practices by each of us.

A podcast by Belgrade based composer and sound artist Svetlana Maraš.

Composition, montage: Svetlana Maraš

Sounds and words by: Mara Micciche, Branko Džinović and Vukašin Đelić.

Featuring: Mara Micciche, Branko Džinović and Vukašin Đelić.

Trailer Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson

Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs

Graphics Cover: Šejma Fere

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