Montreal, Your Ears Are My Island

Show notes

This episode portrays the diverse music scenes of Montreal. Producer Esther Bourdages traces their global connections and historical roots and explores the effects of gentrification on the city’s cultural life.

Featuring: Adam Basanta, Mili Hong, Silvano mercado Vilches, Joseph Sannicandro, Kimihiro Yasaka

A podcast by Esther Bourdages

Bonus Talk: Stefan Christoff

Artistic Editor: Svetlana Maraš

Project Management: Hannes Liechti

Jingle Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson

Jingle Mix: Daniel Jakob

Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs

Artwork: Šejma Fere

Chapter 1: Podcast Timeszones – Montreal, Your Ears Are My Island - Duration: 31:09 (00:00)

Chapter 2: Bonus Talk - Duration: 10:42 - Start: (31:10)

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